Thursday, January 27, 2011
14 weeks!
How far along? 14 Weeks!
How Big is Baby? 3.4 in, 1.5 oz about the size of a Lemon
Baby's Development - Your adorable little fetus is busy with thumb sucking, toe wiggling, and (not so cute but equally amazing) making urine and breathing amniotic fluid as the liver, kidneys and spleen continue to develop. Lanugo (thin, downy hair) is growing all over the body for warmth.
Weight Gain - I am up 3 lbs from prepregnancy!
Strech Marks? They are finally fading, but I think they will be making a comeback in the near future.
Sleep? All the time!
Best moment this week? Our family picnic at the park.
Movement? Not yet but I can't wait!
Food Cravings? Anything sweet.
Gender? With peanut the doctor offered at my 14 week appointment, my next appointment is on the 10th... But I will be turning down the oppertunity to know if I have another ultrasound. So far we are staying strong!
Labor Signs? Nope and it better stay that way for a long time
Belly Button in or out? It's an innie but not for long! It is already getting pretty shallow.
What I miss? Not having to pee every 5 minutes.
What am I looking forward to? My appointment on the 10th!
Weekly Wisdom? I don't really have any wisdom to share from this past week.
Milestones? A stranger asked if I was expecting!
Is Peanut still nursing? Yes but I am thinking about supplementing because it is getting hard to keep up.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
My Bump, My Bump, My Lovely Baby Bump
It's Tuesday! Time for another bump pic. I am up 1/4 of an inch putting me at 36 1/4 this week. My early bump has some of the people who know me asking if I am expecting twins, and I am happy to say that I am not. Only one sac, one baby and one heartbeat. (Nothing against twins, they are awesome!) So here is the weekly bump pic! I am 13 weeks and 5 days pregnant!
Sweet Pea at 13 weeks and 5 days
Peanut at 20 weeks
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Fun at the Park!
Peanut and I went to the park today. The weather was perfect, it was warm in the sun but there was a nice cool breeze. I still can't believe she is big enough to ride in the big girl (baby) swing! She loves it!
Friday, January 21, 2011
Your Three Words
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Peanut is mobile!
Peanut has been trying to do the army crawl for about a month. She finally gave up on that and tried scooting and today she crawled... backwards? I guess you have to start somewhere. I have to work on moving some stuff around. I wasn't planning on having to babyproof so soon. I am very excited although I am a little sad. My peanut is not such a peanut anymore. She is growing up so fast, a lot faster than I would have imagined.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
13 Weeks! Hello 2nd Trimester!!!!!
How far along? 13 Weeks!
How Big is Baby? 2.9 in, .81 oz about the size of a Peach
Baby's Development - Your fetus is forming teeth and vocal cords... savor this, their non-functional phase. Baby is approaching normal proportions, with a head now only one third the size of the body. Intestines are in the process of moving from the umbilical cord to baby's tummy. (Much more convenient
Weight Gain - +1 lb! Yay!!!
Strech Marks? They are almost gone, and I am almost as big as I was at 32 weeks so I have a feeling they will be making a comeback in a few weeks after I do some more growing!
Sleep? All I want to do is sleep.
Best moment this week? Hanging out with James. Peanut, and James' best friend. It was nice to see James relax and have fun.
Movement? Not yet but I can't wait! I have read I might feel it earlier this time because I know what it feels like.
Food Cravings? Chili and V8 Juice and Edys Grand Chocolate Ice Cream with Hershey's Special Dark Chocolate Syrup.
Gender? Too early to tell... But we are still going to wait until we meet Sweet Pea.
Labor Signs? Nope and it better stay that way for a long time!
Belly Button in or out? It's an innie, but it's getting more and more shallow.
What I miss? A nice glass of wine with dinner.
What am I looking forward to? For our W-2s to come so we can move to our apartment!
Weekly Wisdom? Never eat the last of anything with a pregnant woman in the house.
Milestones? Good Bye 1st Trimester! We are 1/3 of the way there!!!!
Is Peanut still nursing? Yes with no signs of a supply drop!
How Big is Baby? 2.9 in, .81 oz about the size of a Peach
Baby's Development - Your fetus is forming teeth and vocal cords... savor this, their non-functional phase. Baby is approaching normal proportions, with a head now only one third the size of the body. Intestines are in the process of moving from the umbilical cord to baby's tummy. (Much more convenient
Weight Gain - +1 lb! Yay!!!
Strech Marks? They are almost gone, and I am almost as big as I was at 32 weeks so I have a feeling they will be making a comeback in a few weeks after I do some more growing!
Sleep? All I want to do is sleep.
Best moment this week? Hanging out with James. Peanut, and James' best friend. It was nice to see James relax and have fun.
Movement? Not yet but I can't wait! I have read I might feel it earlier this time because I know what it feels like.
Food Cravings? Chili and V8 Juice and Edys Grand Chocolate Ice Cream with Hershey's Special Dark Chocolate Syrup.
Gender? Too early to tell... But we are still going to wait until we meet Sweet Pea.
Labor Signs? Nope and it better stay that way for a long time!
Belly Button in or out? It's an innie, but it's getting more and more shallow.
What I miss? A nice glass of wine with dinner.
What am I looking forward to? For our W-2s to come so we can move to our apartment!
Weekly Wisdom? Never eat the last of anything with a pregnant woman in the house.
Milestones? Good Bye 1st Trimester! We are 1/3 of the way there!!!!
Is Peanut still nursing? Yes with no signs of a supply drop!
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Old Wives Tales - Finding out Sweet Pea's Sex
Since we are waiting until we meet Sweet Pea to find out if it's a boy or a girl, I plan on having fun with all of the fun old wives tales. It will be interesting to see what the results are, and how accurate they are. There is a 50/50 chance! I am also debating on doing the highly made fun of Intelligender test, since it will just be for fun. (I am still trying to decide if it is really worth the money for a moment of "fun")
The Heartbeat -
One belief that has been around for some time, and even had some acceptance in the medical community at one point, is that the fetal heartbeat differs for boys and girls. If you're having a girl, then the fetal heart rate will be above 140. A boy will have a heart rate below 140. However, science has proven this to be wrong. A baby's heart rate is not affected by its sex until it is born, when a girl's heart rate will increase considerably compared with boys during labor. But since we are just having fun.... Both Sweet Pea and Peanut's first heartbeats were 160, so according to this.... It's a Girl!
Do I Carry High or Low?
The way you are carrying during your pregnancy is one of the most often cited ways of determining the sex of baby. I have actually had people argue with me when I was pregnant with Peanut over this one. I was carrying low and everyone and their brother told me I was having a boy and when I corrected them they told me I must be mistaken! The general story goes that, if you're carrying low, you're having a boy. If you are carrying high, then you must be having a girl. Science says "NO!" to this: the way you carry is determined by muscle and uterine tone as well as the position of your baby. But who's to say that boys don't like being lower in their mom's stomach while girls prefer a view from the top? We are just having fun here.... It's a ?
*I can't decide if I am high or low, please feel free to take a look at my bump pics and I will update accordingly.
Sweet Cravings -
Many people believe that your cravings are caused by the sex of your baby. So, if you can't get enough chocolate, you could be having a girl. Does the idea of drinking straight lemon juice sound delicious to you? Then those sour cravings are a result of the little boy inside of you. However, if you go by the scientists, then some of them will claim that you're not even having cravings because cravings just don't exist. With Peanut the thought of anything remotely sweet completely repulsed me. With Sweet Pea I can't get enough Cookies, Chocolate, and Ice Cream.... It's A Girl!
Morning Sickness -
Another belief is that if you are having a lot of morning sickness you are carrying a girl. If you are feeling well and not having a lot of that dreaded sickness than it's a boy. I had a little so... It's a Boy!
The Needle Trick -
another unusual using a needle and a thread. Take a needle and tie it to a thread. Hold it over your belly while you are lying down. If the needle swings in a circular motion, then you are having a girl. If it moves back and forth, then are you having a boy. I tried this and it moved back and forth so... It's a boy!
The Chinese Gender Chart -
This one is kind of interesting. It calculates the gender based off of your age and month of conception. Here is a link to the chart I used. I am 22 and my estimated conception was at the end of October so.... It's a girl!
So I have two girl results, two boy results, and one that I will update after I figure out how I am carrying. Of course we will finally know once July comes and we finally meet our Sweet Pea.
My Bump, My Bump, My Lovely Baby Bump
It's time for another bump picture! I am a day late but it's not like a day will make a difference. This week I am measuring at 36 inches around, only a half an inch up from last week. I was looking through Peanut's pregnancy journal and I am shocked to say that at 32 weeks I was only 42 inches around. (I was bad about keeping track of things so that was one of the few times I measured with Peanut) Everyone says that you usually show earlier with your second, I didn't start taking weekly pictures until I was further along with Peanut, but I'll start at the beginning to compare. So here we go! I am 12 weeks and 6 days Pregnant!
Sweet Pea at 12 weeks 6 Days!
Peanut at 19 Weeks!
I am surprised at the difference!
Monday, January 17, 2011
Who Are You?
My blog is still pretty new, but I am suprised that I have gotten hits from far away places such as Australia! It's kind of exciting, but I have to wonder, who is on the other side? You read about the happenings of my life and I am curious about yours. Do you blog? I love to read blogs in my downtime, as a housewife it makes me feel a little less alone in what can sometimes be an isolated world.
Please feel free to comment and post a link to your blog! I look forward to learning more about my readers!
Please feel free to comment and post a link to your blog! I look forward to learning more about my readers!
Tons of Planning
This past weekend I spent a lot of my time planning. There is so much to plan for this year! Here are some of the events we are looking forward to:
Moving! I am especially excited about moving, even though it means moving from a house to an apartment. I have decided to look on the bright side and enjoy the perks of apartment living. Some of these include no lawn care, less space to keep clean (I have been finding this more and more difficult as I become more tired and more pregnant), lower rent (more money for baby shopping!), and of course being walking distance to a playground! I love taking Peanut to the park! I am also excited to get away from our current neighborhood and house. I found our house in a rush so it wasn't all that we wanted. I am also looking forward to a fresh start to decorate!
Peanut's First Birthday! I can't wait until her Birthday! It is a day for her to enjoy and for me to reflect on the day that I became a Mommy. It is a day I remember in detail and will never forget. I can't wait to celebrate! I have decided that although she is only 6 months old I am going to go ahead and plan everything out in advance for her party. I will be due one week after her birthday and with the way things progressed there is a likely chance that we are expecting Irish Twins! I figure the less work for me to do that far along the better. I already have a theme and invites picked out. We will be doing Dr. Seuss' Green Eggs and Ham. I am going to get a copy to use as our guestbook so Peanut has a keepsake from her first birthday. I plan on doing a green ham "smash cake" and green egg cupcakes. I want to use the Orange and Green colors for decorations. For our invites I am going to make them myself and make green eggs and on the back it will say "Would you, could you in a house? Would you, could you with a Mouse? You're invited to Peanut's 1st Birthday Party! A Green Eggs and Ham party we will do, hope to see you half past two!"
The Arrival of Sweet Pea! I am very excited for Sweet Pea's arrival. I am trying to figure out what all we will need. So far another crib, a double stroller, another carseat, possibly boy clothes, and I am sure there is a lot I am not thinking about. Since the kids will be sharing a room I am trying to decide how I will decorate Sweet Pea's half. Peanut's half will have the Sweet Lulliby Bunnies. I am trying to think of something that will work for a boy or a girl. :)
Moving! I am especially excited about moving, even though it means moving from a house to an apartment. I have decided to look on the bright side and enjoy the perks of apartment living. Some of these include no lawn care, less space to keep clean (I have been finding this more and more difficult as I become more tired and more pregnant), lower rent (more money for baby shopping!), and of course being walking distance to a playground! I love taking Peanut to the park! I am also excited to get away from our current neighborhood and house. I found our house in a rush so it wasn't all that we wanted. I am also looking forward to a fresh start to decorate!
Peanut's First Birthday! I can't wait until her Birthday! It is a day for her to enjoy and for me to reflect on the day that I became a Mommy. It is a day I remember in detail and will never forget. I can't wait to celebrate! I have decided that although she is only 6 months old I am going to go ahead and plan everything out in advance for her party. I will be due one week after her birthday and with the way things progressed there is a likely chance that we are expecting Irish Twins! I figure the less work for me to do that far along the better. I already have a theme and invites picked out. We will be doing Dr. Seuss' Green Eggs and Ham. I am going to get a copy to use as our guestbook so Peanut has a keepsake from her first birthday. I plan on doing a green ham "smash cake" and green egg cupcakes. I want to use the Orange and Green colors for decorations. For our invites I am going to make them myself and make green eggs and on the back it will say "Would you, could you in a house? Would you, could you with a Mouse? You're invited to Peanut's 1st Birthday Party! A Green Eggs and Ham party we will do, hope to see you half past two!"
The Arrival of Sweet Pea! I am very excited for Sweet Pea's arrival. I am trying to figure out what all we will need. So far another crib, a double stroller, another carseat, possibly boy clothes, and I am sure there is a lot I am not thinking about. Since the kids will be sharing a room I am trying to decide how I will decorate Sweet Pea's half. Peanut's half will have the Sweet Lulliby Bunnies. I am trying to think of something that will work for a boy or a girl. :)
Friday, January 14, 2011
Your Three Words
Life is good!
Your Three Words is about summing up your week in three words. For more info click on the link above mine.
This past week has been a good one! Peanut said "Mama" for the first time and we finally know that Sweet Pea is doing well. We were a little worried because at the first ultrasound they were unable to detect a heartbeat. They thought my dates might have been off, but I am still measuring for July 28th and he or she is kicking and flipping around in there.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
12 Weeks! The final week of first trimester!!!
We just got back from my ob appointment! I am happy to say that we have a happy healthy baby! We were finally able to see a heartbeat it was averaging at about 160 beats per minute. It was amazing to see Sweet Pea doing little flips and sucking his or her little thumb. Peanut's early ultrasounds all looked like blobs, but Sweet Pea actually looked like a baby. I wasn't expecting that so it was pretty amazing. Peanut was there with us and fussed a little during. James said it's jealousy, I think that it was nap time. But she seemed pretty interested in the ultrasound screen when we brought her closer. It is hard to believe that my little baby is going to be a big sister!
How Big is Baby? 2.1 in, .49 oz about the size of a Plum
Baby's Development - As I move into second trimester,baby shifts into the growth and maturation stage. After weeks in the critical development stage, almost all of baby's systems are fully formed.
Weight Gain - -1 lb, all the extra eating has been paying off!
Strech Marks? They are finally fading, but I think they will be making a comeback in the near future.
Sleep? What sleep? Peanut has hit a growth spurt and has been eating every hour and a half.
Best moment this week? Peanut eating watermelon and finally finding out that Sweet Pea has a heartbeat and is a viable pregnancy!
Movement? Not yet but I can't wait! I have read I might feel it earlier this time because I know what it feels like.
Food Cravings? Chili and V8 Juice. I almost had a breakdown when I was almost out of V8 and James forgot to pick up another bottle on the way home. I just can't seem to get enough of it.
Gender? Too early to tell... but the decision is to stay on the green team :)
Labor Signs? Nope and it better stay that way for a long time
Belly Button in or out? It's an innie
What I miss? Sleep
What am I looking forward to? James' best friend coming down for a visit.
Weekly Wisdom? I don't really have any wisdom to share from this past week.
Milestones? Good Bye 1st Trimester! We are 1/3 of the way there!!!!
Is Peanut still nursing? Yes with no signs of a supply drop!
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Just for fun! Name Polls!
James and I have a pretty good idea on the names that we have picked out for Sweet Pea. But just for fun I made a poll of boy and girl names that came up in conversation. Feel free to vote! Again this is just for fun.
Girl Names Poll
Boy Names Poll
Girl Names Poll
Boy Names Poll
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
My Bump, My Bump, My Lovely Baby Bump
It's time for the weekly bump pictures! Not much of a difference this week. I decided to start measuring so that I can keep track. This week I am 35.5 inches around. I am 11 Weeks and 5 Days Pregnant!
From The Front
From The Side
Today Was A Very Special Day!
My little peanut has managed to melt my heart all over again. She said "Mama" for the very first time today! She started fussing because she was ready to eat and take a nap. As she started to cry she started going "Mamamamama" until I picked her up. It was amazing, but of course I was trying to be practical and thought that maybe it was just a weird coincidence. But later on in the day when we were playing and i got up to get a drink she started up again. "Mamama" and again when she was fussing for a nap. I am a little disappointed that so far the only time I get to hear it is when she is upset. But I guess you have to start somewhere. And on the bright side she knows who will make things right when Daddy is away. :) Now I have to work on getting her to say "Dada!" Because every Daddy's Girl needs to know how to call for him. :)
Peanut's Adventures in BLW - Watermelon
My Little Peanut Enjoying Watermelon
We gave Peanut watermelon for the first time last night! She loves it!!!!! I love BLW but sometimes the mom in me still feels the need to break up foods into tiny bites and feed her. After I see that she can handle little bites of it I usually get the courage to just let her go for it. It still amazes me to watch my little baby feed herself. To watch her experience a new taste or texture for the first time is so exciting. An added bonus to the watermelon is after she managed to get down to the rind it was hard and cool enough to act as a nice natural teether for her. She cried when I finally did take it away. I am looking forward to more advenutres in BLW!
Thursday, January 6, 2011
11 Weeks!

How far along? 11 Weeks
How Big is Baby? 1.6 in, .25 oz about the size of a lime
Baby's Development - Baby's head and body are at about a 1:1 ratio, and skin is so transparent that blood vessels show right through. Fingers and toes are no longer webbed, and hair follicles, tooth buds and nail beds are forming
Weight Gain - -3 lbs below pre-pregnancy weight.. I've got some regaining to do!
Strech Marks? Still present from Peanut
Sleep? very nice, other than the bathroom breaks and water runs.
Best moment this week? When Peanut ate steamed broccoli
Movement? nope
Food Cravings? Anything sweet. Oh and Philly Cheese Steaks.
Gender? Too early to tell... but the decision is to stay on the green team :)
Labor Signs? Nope and it better stay that way for a long time
Belly Button in or out? It's an innie
What I miss? Soft Cheese
What I miss? Soft Cheese
What am I looking forward to? My next ultrasound on the 13th, hopefully we will have good news!
Weekly Wisdom? If a baby has a blowout in footie pjs it will run down the leg and into the foot pocket :(
Milestones? Not really
Milestones? Not really
Is Peanut still nursing? Yes with no signs of a supply drop, however if I don't start gaining weight it may not be an option anymore :(
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
My Bump, My Bump, My Lovely Baby Bump
Time for the bump pictures! I am sad that I didn't have any pics of before I was pregnant to show what a difference there already is. I had lost all of my baby fat along with an additional 10 pounds. I'll be posting weekly to watch my belly grow. Today I am 10 weeks and 5 Days Pregnant!

From the Front:
From the Side
Monday, January 3, 2011
Pregnancy Weight Loss
My first pregnancy I struggled with weight gain due to severe morning sickness. I was often loosing weight instead of gaining. It was very difficult for me because everyone under the sun had a comment about it. I wasn't dieting, I was eating everything I could keep down and yet I still lost weight. Luckily this did not effect Peanut because she came out at a wonderful 7 lbs 15 oz!
I am starting to have the same issue during this pregnancy. I have a feeling that breastfeeding does play a large role in this problem. I have been eating as much as I can and I am still loosing weight. I am not against formula but I would like to continue to breastfeed Peanut if it is possible. So I am going to make some changes to my diet for higher calorie and healthy fat foods. Wish me luck!
I am starting to have the same issue during this pregnancy. I have a feeling that breastfeeding does play a large role in this problem. I have been eating as much as I can and I am still loosing weight. I am not against formula but I would like to continue to breastfeed Peanut if it is possible. So I am going to make some changes to my diet for higher calorie and healthy fat foods. Wish me luck!
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Peanut Loves Pancakes
For those who don't already know, Peanut and I have been having adventures in BLW. Baby Led Weaning skips the traditional purees and starts table food right away. It is great to have her involved in our meals and it is nice to be able to allow her to do solids at her own pace. She chooses how much she wants to eat and gets to experiment with different tastes and textures that she would not normally be exposed to at this age. So far we have done bread, sweet potatos, baked apples, carrots, peas, cantaloupe, honey dew, watermelon and pancakes.
Most people might wonder what inspired the pancakes. But we were out to breakfast and plain pancakes were the only thing that we had that would have worked and she is not happy if she is left out of meal time. It was amazing to watch as she grabbed a huge chunk of pancake and took bites out of it. I was so proud of her, she didn't even gag. Tomorrow we are going to try some whole wheat pasta and veggies so she can pick and choose.
Most people might wonder what inspired the pancakes. But we were out to breakfast and plain pancakes were the only thing that we had that would have worked and she is not happy if she is left out of meal time. It was amazing to watch as she grabbed a huge chunk of pancake and took bites out of it. I was so proud of her, she didn't even gag. Tomorrow we are going to try some whole wheat pasta and veggies so she can pick and choose.
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