
Saturday, October 8, 2011

The Missing Sippy Cup

With two little ones sometimes things just disappear. I swear our apartment is like the Bermuda Triangle sometimes, things come in but they go missing never to be found again. Today one of the missing items turned up in a scary way. I have searched high and low for a sippy cup that had cranberry juice. I went through her room moving the furniture, I checked under and behind the couches, the dining room, and even the kitchen and our bedroom that are off limits to the kids. I was convinced that James picked it up or it somehow was thrown away. 

Peanut found it!

This morning I was feeding Sweet Pea his bottle and Peanut comes out of her room upset and covered in what looked like blood. There was a huge spot on her thigh and tons running down her leg and all over her hands. I rush for the first aid kit without even stopping to take a look, convinced that I was going to have to rush her to the ER for stitches from the looks of the big "gash".

I get over to her, Daddy on the phone, trying to wipe her leg with a washcloth to find the source of the "blood" and then I realized it was sticky and thankfully not blood. After smelling it I realized it was juice, and after looking in her room I found the missing sippy! 

Today's lesson, old cranberry juice looks a lot like blood.

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