The lowest vegetable is yams with sweet potatoes coming second. Since James and I really aren't sure what the difference is we'll be trying Beechnut's Sweet Potatoes. I was always a fan of Gerber with Peanut, but I have heard that Gerber tends to have a lot of problems with cross-contamination. I would love to make our own food, but with two little ones it is difficult to find the time. If sweet potatoes are a success we will move on to the least allergenic fruit, rhubarb which I'll have to do myself.
Depending on how things go we will probably alternate between fruits and vegetables until around 8 months when we will start introducing meats. Cereal and Grains will come last and we will be avoiding dairy completely until 18 months if we get the okay for a trial. It should be interesting as time goes by because we'll have to watch for ingredients that may contain soy, dairy, and rice. We are hoping that he'll be able to tolerate a substitute milk. Since he can not have soy or rice that leaves us hemp milk and coconut milk, luckily our local grocer carries both.
I'll post more as we introduce different foods.