
Friday, December 16, 2011

Food Trials!

We have started introducing food to Sweet Pea. It has not been going very well. We were hoping to have better luck since even with medication his reflux is still giving him trouble. 

We started with sweet potatoes, and not even an hour later he was showing symptoms. We were going to do rhubarb for his first fruit, but due to a lack of time we went with the lowest jarred fruit, pears. The pears actually looked like they were going to be a success until the second day when he started having problems. Tomorrow we're going to give bananas a try and see how that goes. 

Christmas Proofs

We ordered our pictures last night! Here are the proofs as a preview. I won't get them until the 21st so I may delay the mailing of our cards since we haven't sealed them yet. After all there are 12 days of Christmas, and it will be more fun to send out pictures. :)